Saturday, February 7, 2009

He Knows What I Like,,I Think I Will Keep Him

My Southern Gentleman found this "for free" and brought it home today. It is 6" tall with 20"deep drawers.! It is in good shape, beveled mirror, tongue and groove drawers,,I will replace the knobs of course. I don't know allot about furniture, I guess its a, dresser, or part of a section. I will have it in the new studio. Yahooeee.


  1. That's a beautiful piece! You are a lucky lady to have such a wonderful man in your life.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. I think it might be what they call a lingerie chest and I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have it. and free??? Wowie - he's a keeper.. :-) LindaSonia

  3. Had to add: did you ever watch the Mary Tyler Moore show way back when??? She had one in her apartment. She had a mirror on top of it. I always loved it!! LindaSonia again

  4. Oh, how wonderful! Just imagine all the wonderful things you can store in this beauty!

  5. That dresser is just beautiful, you must post another picture after you change the knobs and it's in olace in your studio! You lucky gal.....candy♥

  6. olace= place, lolo! Can't type this morning!

  7. What a wonderful find!!!
    (both your husband, and the furniture)!

    I saw your wonderful gift to Dawn.
    Such beautiful work and so much love put into it.


    Barbara Jean

  8. How beautiful! I think both your southern gentleman and the piece of furniture are keepers!

  9. Thank you all for your comments. I do love that man to pieces. I thank God every day that he brought him into my life. He's a keeper!

  10. Wow! I love it! (I am playing catch up, as I have been away for awhile)



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