Saturday, February 7, 2009


Thank YOU Belinda!!! Your visit and comment yesterday, taught me much, made me remember once again of the amazing planet we live on. I Googled it,,,,The vine is indeed called Love-In -A-Puff, also Heart Seed, and Balloon Vine. What wonderful names! Love-In-A-Puff is my favorite, I think. It is perfect for the valentine holiday theme. The seeds are hard to capture on film, but there is indeed a white heart on them. I think there is an art project here. ...anyhow, I had fun learning about it, and I will never forget its name. I will be germinating some seeds soon.
While I find myself homesick for the Pacific Ocean & Oregon, I am reminded of the amazing and mind boggling amount of beauty in every state, and in every land, if we look. How can one say there is no God, when the evidence is all around. The grand creator has given us such treasures in the design, color, sounds, smells, and textures of nature.
I also have the nerve to be judgemental. Sometimes I say,,"God what "were" you thinkin when you created that!" (I am referring to some bugs I don't care for) We silly humans are such critics.
Coming to Alabama has been an eye opener as far as nature is concerned, I have seen things I never would have, if I had not come here. I suspect there are many more treasures to discover. I am glad I have a husband (he grew up here) who loves nature, will catch firefly's for me, picks wild flowers for me, finds feathers and bug wings, teaches me to fish, and shows me everything he knows about the swamps and the woods. I have never known anyone who hears every small sound and movement, and treats it with wonder and respect. The stories he can tell,,,,,,he is my Heart Seed.
A few feathers gathered, and a pair of bug wings. Gifts from my Valentine. I love you.


  1. Love-in-a-puff, I love the sound of that and everything about it is pretty. Your feathers and bug wings are special too. My bug is the dragonfly. I love to watch them fly around. Some are so pretty and free.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. OHHHHHH!!! *Marcie* this is a most beautiful post!!!! You are the "spark" that lights up my imagination!!! I think I will call you *Sparkie* from now on!!!!

    Lots of Hugs,

  3. Oh my goodness! You took my answer and made the most beautiful essay and picture from it.
    I work on a Living History farm in SC and love to send a Puff home w/ the school children in the fall.Wish I could share your thoughts with them

  4. What a beautiful post. You are so right: how can anyone not believe in our Wonderful God when there are miracles around us at every turn. Love in a beautiful! Tell me about it! Does it grow in damp places? Shade or Sun? It looks so lovely! I'm wondering if it would like the Tennessee climate?! :-) So nice to read your beautiful thoughts...

    Hope you're enjoying your weekend!

  5. Hi
    Here is WI they are Chinese lanterns all the seed catalogs call them that too. I like your name better however. I am lucky too. to have a husband that shares my interests and has lots of his own also.Hugs

  6. How beautiful! I would love to use the balloons for lanterns on my tree set. And I'd give a lot to know where your valentine got the bug wings from!! I have a serious need for those too!

  7. Hello! Isn't it great that we have such a creative God? Nature is a miracle and sometimes I just want to run away to be with the animals! When I am sad, I find comfort in nature. I feel like God is even closer in the stillness of the garden, or when I hear the birds sing...God bless you and thank you for visiting my site! Anita

  8. A beautiful post. God does surround us with so much beauty that we tend to take for granted. I love that He has created the beautiful marshes, egrets and herons, and the lacey Spanish moss that graces the Live Oak trees. God is truly amazing.

  9. I love ,the love in a puff. I hope I can find that here in Georgia. And it sounds like you are a blest woman also, married to a wonderful man. I married my bestfriend also, we have 26 years together now! What a beautiful gift your darling gave you!!! Blessings Always, Deborah

  10. My husband just got back with a package all the way from your neck of the woods, Marcie! I was surprised and delighted to receive the many Love-in-a-puff pods, the crepe myrtle pods, and the extremely precious insect wings from your home to mine.

    These treasures are more valuable than gold or jewels to me, they are true nature's jewels. Precious, because I can't get them at any price. You and your gentleman collected them from your own environment far far away and shared them with me.

    I will use every bit of it in my film project and you've contributed more than you can know. Thank you.

    The little perfect crepe myrtle pods will make the most sensational beads for a necklace for the main character. And that's all because you saw them and rightly intuited they'd be for what I'm making.

    Your generosity and kindness is truly touching. I can't thank you enough for this gift!


Thank you for spending time with me and leaving your comments. Only English please. Check back, as I may respond here, or I may respond at your email, I hope to keep up with everyone. I am happy to have your company, if only for a little. Blessings in your day! Marcie