Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Just thinking...

Did you know who this was at first glance?

Look into my eyes, what do you see?

Do we know of their sacrifice's for a free nation?

What do you think they would say about their country today?


Paula said...

Hi sweet Marcie,
I knew that was Martha Washington right off! :) I love the images you shared and am saddened to say they would not be pleased with our country today! I would love to know what their thoughts would be! I pray God will continue to bless our country and make things better! Love, Paula

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Hi Marcie:
I, too, recognized Martha. I wonder how many of our "guest residents" would know her face or know - or even care - for their sacrifices. Our country is truly in a sad state of affairs, and I think this November is going to be the turning point. (Gosh, at least I hope so!)
God Bless America.

Daphne Nicole & Lynda Cade said...

I feel the exact same way as the 2 ladies at the top, and I truly hope there will be a turning point after November!! Great post!!! Blessings~~~Daphne

The Rustic Victorian said...

I too pray for our nation, our world,,,I find the tears often, the grief hits me often,I want to yell,,,I want to get Nancy P. neck between my hands.
I loose hope, then I pray, and hope returns. I know it is the the evil one,,Jesus brings me back to a good place in my mind. Thank you God, I could not stay sane on this insane planet with out you.
Yes, ok, no news programs today.
thank you for your comments my friends, I know you do not come here for this.

Rebecca said...

Hi Marcie
I am afraid the world's state is not a good one and our country right now is taking a direction to which the bible has told us about. Praise God He is in control even when it looks like all is tumbling out of control. I cannot do anything but Christ in me can... it is all we are called to do but abide in Him.
Many Blessings to you
PS Loved your post on the butter pat.

Terri Kahrs said...

Of course I recognized our very First "First Lady" and her handsome husband. Although many are frustrated and not happy with the direction the country is taking, there's always hope, and there's always someone, God Willing, who will accept a leadership role. I pray that day will be soon. Blessings, Terri xoxo

Anonymous said...

Marcie, I knew it was Martha. Martha Washington, that is, not Stewart! LOL! One only has to say "Martha" these days and one immediately conjures up an image of our Decor Queen! LOL!

Oh, what do I think the "original Martha" would think? I think both she and George would be very sad at the greed and corruption on so many levels. And if they saw what is happening in our Gulf...they'd cry just as we are doing....Their world was so small and ours growing smaller...we so need to get back on the right track and not tomorrow, but now.

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for taking the time to comment. Bless you!


The Tin Rabbit said...

They would be so disappointed and saddened to see what is going on today! Have a wonderful week sweet Marcie xo, ann

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Not being American, I thought it was Dolly Madison. But then I saw George:) and knew it must be Martha. Until we turn back to God...this country will fail to prosper. America has become too comfortable to bother with it's future. She lives one day at a time and forgets her past. 50,000 souls lost in a three day fight for freedom in the fields of Gettysburg. God Bless America, land that I love...stand beside her and guide her for she has lost her way!
Thank you for this toughtful post...
Love Misses Peach

Rose ~Victorian Rose ~ said...

Yes, Martha Washington.

Marcie, There is so much to say about how sad I believe our forefathers would be about the state of our country right now...the selfish ways in which the men and woman from BOTH parties are conducting themselves.

I fear for our GRANDCHILDREN the most. Life will not be how WE knew it growing up for them.
How will we/THEY EVER pay off these off the radar screen debts ??

I have an idea of how it may be we will soon literally be owned by OTHER countries...three of which we SURLY do not wnat to have to be "under their thumbs "financially.

That is nnless we true blooded Americans take back this country....after we were so severely DUPPED in our last Presidential election.

But the "light at the end of the tunnel" is showing I belive just this past it looks like we are starting to "wake up" .. to do just that.

Hopefully, prayerfully, the next and "new" batch of men and women that come into power are not even more "ruthless" than those who are in power now.

Remembver, you asked, I responded.


she dreams big! said...

I think we all feel the same way over the state of our country but yet continue to vote for the incompetent incumbents every time! I don't understand it!

Off of my soapbox now . . . Thanks so much for visiting me and entering my giveaway! And for giving me a shout out on your sidebar! Always exciting to see my name on someone else's blog! Good Luck and I hope you'll visit me again!


Bernideen said...

I was just shocked - that piece of sheet music- we decoupaged it for my husband back in the late l960's for his wall - it is right here now on the wall- Stars and Stripes for ever!

Linda K. said...

All of our forefathers would be disappointed and saddened at our country today. Martha W. and Betsy Ross would have broken hearts. And my fav of all time, Abe Lincoln, would probably cry and fall to his knees and pray asking God to forgive us all. Things always happen for a reson, nothing good, nothing bad happens without going through my Father's hands. There will be a day of reckoning too. We can be at peace with our God knowing he has everything in control. Love your previous post too, Marcie. Things are just things..


Lilla said...

I am an American by choice, not by birth.
This country has been good to me!
The flag always brings a lump in my throat.
Still the greatest on God's green earth!

sidney said...

I live in the most wonderful country in the world, and shutter to think of what our founding for fathers would think today. They took such pains to "do it right". We are indeed in the Lord's hands and as a believer my future is bright...for i have read the end of "The Book". I shall occupy until He returns. Thank you for your wonderful blog.

prashant said...

I think this November is going to be the turning point.
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