Celebration of 100th post in Robin's Egg Blue!!!!
Click here for Linda's Beautiful Giveaway of "Three" Inspiration Boxes. Two winners will recieve either a vintage swan, or birdnest plates/napkins with their boxes of inspiration!
Enter by the 20th !!!!
I just realized "why" I am drawn to this color,,,the ocean,,,I need a fix...
The Oregon Coast of course.
I would even settle for The Gulf Coast.

I love this,,unfortunately I do not know who made it,,if you do,,let me know so I may give credit to her and her magic.
Luscious, luscious color - robin's egg blue! Nothing soothes my soul like seeing any type of body of water. (Especially on a sunny day!). Hugs, Terri xoxo
I am not so sure you want to be at the coast today. Here in WA theyare having 50 mile an hour winds. Suppost to possibly hit 90 by tonight. Power out and trees down. Not a good day for the beach or anywhere here for that matter. Now after the storm is another matter. Can you imagine what we could find. owwww just the thought of it. LOL Take care. Sharon
Very sweet!
Yep, it's sure a stormy night here in WA! Your tranquil beach pictures are wonderful, and such a cute little fairy to take us all to that dreamy place... pink sands, aqua water and blue skies... I feel warmer already!
Hey Marcie!
Take me, take me to the beach with you!! We will go to the Gulf Coast~~just a little mini-mind-vaca!
I know, isn't Linda's new blog just gor-geous???
Thanks for the little trip, sweet Marcie!
What's the latest with your move???email me with the scoop...
~Let FREEDOM Ring!~
Marcie, Thanks for stopping by to visit me at My Heart's Ease. YES, the Pacific Coast is imbedded in my soul. I ADORE IT! My dream is to stay in the California, Oregon, Washington coastal areas during the summer months to escape the heat & humidity of Texas. I am hoping that Hubby & I can buy an RV & do that within the next 2 years. You asked if my photos of the waves were private... I'll make you a deal - you can borrow them if I can borrow that cute beach fairy that you don't know where you got her. Hee Hee. Deal? No, all kidding aside... I try to take Dawn Edmondsons aproach on this. You are welcome to borrow my images as long as they are for PRIVATE use & if you will give me credit for any you borrow. Blogland is so full of talented giving people. I think we all take ideas from each other (that have been circulating around for ages) & we each put our own spin on what we see or do. Most ideas out there are not original. But, we do each put our own specail mark on our own creations. Enjoy the photos. I can't wait to see what you do with them.
Oh I do love the beach I was raised on the Gulf Coast.
I wanted to visit your site and while I was here I wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving
oooo..love the wee "Poof Fairy"...i was gonna make a line of those a while ago...maybe i will re-visit that idea!
Heart Hugs,
PS...Oregon misses you! I bet that one leg seagull (was his name Pete? can't remember) misses his pancakes,too!
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