Thursday, August 27, 2009

Our Freedom is in great Danger

The Public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.

Samuel Adams 1775


Anonymous said...

Dear Marcie...
That quote is perfect~~gets right to the heart of what our country is experiencing at this very moment.

Watching Glenn Beck every day this week is eye-opening and very frightening. Hopefully American citizens and patriots will continue to question, demand and stand up for what our Consitution is about!

Thanks so much Marcie!
I have been unable to post until 34 day old pc had to exchanged today due to hardware!


~Let FREEDOM Ring!~

Miss Gracie's House said...

Hi Marcie,
Great, great quote and much to think about...

The Painted Nest said...

Great One Marcie !!! I've been watching Glenn Beck also ~~WOW~~Last night really hit home !! Why do we need a military at home as strong as our national military? Is it to keep "WE THE PEOPLE" quite???? What next??? Are the good Americans going to be policed up and thrown in jail or worse just because we have a different viewpoint than the powers that be! I "PRAY" that we all~~ "WAKE UP AND SMELL THE TEA",~~~it's time we STAND UP AND BE COUNTED !!!!~~~~o.k.~~~I'm off my soap box~~~but only for a min.~~~THANKS FOR THE POST !!! YOU"RE A GOOD AMERICAN!!!!~~~~~~DEB