Our New Kitty

On the way home he stopped to look at a fishing hole.
He heard a scratching noise, and meows.
He looked around and found the source of the noise. Some sick person had taped the kitty in a box and left it to die. Our rage at such cruelty has no words.
He let the little black cat out and gave it some water, and it was all over him for attention, very tame, and so glad to be free. He put the cat in the jeep and on the drive home, she curled up on his lap and stayed there until he got out home 40min. later.
I have always had cats, but was enjoying a long break (6yr.now) from having a pet. I wanted to wait until we got moved to get a cat, or dog, or anything, and I was still enjoying being pet free.
I tried to find her a home, no luck, and all the no-kill shelters were full.
After a few days, she had wiggled her way into my/our hearts.
On the way to the vet to get her checked out and shots etc., the commitment was made. I knew I would have to give her a name, Penny came to mind as my husband is always picking up penny's and handing them to me,,,,and a dear friend Penny E. (hi Pen)reminds me of this cats sweet and wacky personality...there it was...and here we are. I have been taking lots of photos of her, but not a good one to share yet. She is around 6mo. old, solid black and as of last weekend,,,,in heat!!! So off to the vet in the morning to save her from her madness and save our sanity, and we really need get some sleep. I also forgot about the litter box,,,,,ick.
So life has been a little busier lately, .....I told Hubby not to bring home anything else, but "fish" next time....copper penny's are OK too.
Smile...I love that man's gentle heart.
PS..the print is one I have had for many years, I guess you can use it in your art, I have never checked it out for copyright,,I have just always loved it,,and thought I'd use it in collage someday. Hey,,maybe tags! Yea,,,,tags,,,I'm off to the copy place!
That's a sweet story.
I'm glad she found such a good home.
Barbara Jean
Oh Marcie~~~I LOVE that story!What a precious image too...
Can't wait to see "Penny"! Yes, the litter box is.ICK!
Our vet actually has his cats trained to go outside like his dogs...Uh, only problem with that is the neighborhood Hawk and swoosh~our little Bella would be gone!
I'm a little warmly teary over this post, Marcie! Such a wonderfully told story. I love how you chose to name her and that you and your sensitive gentleman have such a wonderful, affectionate, new companion. They are so rare and wonderful to have.
Aw, Miss Penny, we love you!
Dear Marcie,
I am so glad you and your dear husband gave Penny such a good home! The poor thing. I cannot understand how anyone could do something so cruel! I am so thankful your husband rescued her!
Love the sweet print!
two kind hearts found each other to one day help a sweet kitty....the angels are smiling upon you both!
I am glad you are my friend!
(BIGGGG) Heart Hugs,
I knew it! The day you called me and said Cliff had brought home a kitten! After the weekend by Monday, I knew you would be in love with Penny!
Kind and sweet heart - Blessings with your new litte one!
Love - Joan
I'm so glad that my brain can not even concieve the thought proccess it took to put that sweet kitty in the box to leave it to die. Wow what a story. Looking forward to the actual photos of your new fur baby. I do like the picture you have shared in this post.Very sweet. I'm more of a picture looker and i don't always read the posts. Today I took the time and was very glad I did.
We have an all black cat named "Chris" which was supposed to be my daughters pet but has really bonded with me and my dh since she hardly ever home. Penny
was a lucky kitty to find such a wonderful home and shame on whoever did this to the poor little creature. Both of our pets
have been adopted too.
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