Tuesday, January 25, 2011

For You ♥ From Me

Stop my music first!


  1. Thanks for sharing this. I added it on my blog.

  2. Oh that was so wonderful! I am going to post it too and on Facebook as well....I would so love to do this, what a grand experience!
    Thanks so much!
    Tina xo

  3. Oh Ms.Rustic,thanks for droping by my blog and I love this too.Richard at www.myoldhistorichouse.blogspot.com

  4. Sweet Marcie,
    the video can`t be seen here in Denmark, they writes-(something with whom ownes the right!!!)
    But I can see it`s about free hugs,---
    I love to give you a bunch of free hugs, dear---here .....you got them-:)
    Thanks for your many dear visits ,today.
    :) Dorthe

  5. Oh I enjoyed that so much!!!!! Thanks for sharing you made my day. Hugs to you, Pearl

  6. Hi Marcie!

    What a sweet post!!

    Thanks for visiting me.. and my blog. I love Victorian things as well.. so I'm sure we would be friends. :)

    I want that book " The feminine Home" so much.. and I just may have to get it.

    I was going to send you over to my friend Mira's blog ( Belle Blanc ) and tell you about her book.. but I can see you have it on your sidebar.

    Of course you would know Mira! :)

    Have a beautiful day!!

  7. awwwwwww..I miss your great hugs!!! But, seriously, I feel we all need to feel loved and appreciated by a hug at least once a day!

    Heart Hugs,

  8. Marcie,
    I did not know how to turn your music off, but loved the clip anyway.
    It made me cry.
    Must mean I need a hug.

    Was just thinking of you yesterday. Thanks for coming by.

    big hugs. =)

    barbara jean

  9. Marcie thanks for the 'good' cry. I feel full of gratitude tonight after seeing this.
    thank you sweetheart for sending your beautiful hugs to me!
    sending mine back...

  10. Miz Pennywinkle! "She" is a big hugger and loved this video!!! I have learned from "her" how to hug....yes really! Would mew like a hug?! *hug*hug*purr*hug*purr*purr*hug!

    There that was nice wasn't it!!! Purrlease give one to Marcie fur me!


  11. Oh Marcie - I have tears in my eyes after viewing this. And silly me - I have viewed before! Just seems so simple but how awkward some folks felt & then to see the smiles - well, I must need a hug today too! Blessings sweet friend - I miss you so much! Ahhhh now I am sobbing! I love you Marcie!

  12. Hi sweet Marcie! That was beautiful! We need more of that in our world! I am a big hugger, so I am sending lots of hugs your way! I love you sweet friend! God bless you! Paula

  13. pleased to have found you via mouse house tales...
    i too loved this video & posted it when i first began to blog 7 months ago. it has been a fun & learning adventure!
    tea is on at FHC ~ Welcome !


Thank you for spending time with me and leaving your comments. Only English please. Check back, as I may respond here, or I may respond at your email, I hope to keep up with everyone. I am happy to have your company, if only for a little. Blessings in your day! Marcie