Monday, January 31, 2011

Book from My Miz Rebecca

Dreamy book,,,I mean,, "Every Page".
It has photos from the old Victoria Magazine days.
Thank you so much  my friend.

1996 is the publishing date. I don't know if it is still being printed.

FYI...The first Victoria Magazine went from 1987-2003.
In 2007 it made a comeback, and I have been fortunate to have a subscription, thank you Sister!


  1. I think this is my most favorite book ever!!!! I also love your blog. So many pretty things. Have a great week and may God have His hand on everything we do this week. Hugs, Judy-JHillDesigns

  2. I love Victoria magazine - the old issues more than the present ones. I don't have the book you showed, but it looks beautiful.

  3. I have this book too and never tire of it! A while back I also found 4 boxes of the old Victoria magazines. I bought them ALL for only $4! I was so excited and thrilled.
    Have a great Monday.

  4. Marcie I love this book too! I never tire of looking through it. It is as relevent to me today as it was when I bought it years ago. My favorite pictures are on page 94 & 95 of the linen closet. And I still love the fabric on the loveseat on page 114.

    Yep, just as I suspected...we are truly kindred spirits.
    hugs to you...

  5. Perfect! Wishing I could still buy this magazine in Holland.

  6. What a sweet gift dear Marcie!!! I have this same book, also a sweet gift from a sweet friend and I LOVE it!!! All of Victoria is wonderful! I am so glad they brought the magazine back. It is beautiful, but the old issues are my favorites! Love you, Paula

  7. Hi sweet Marcie!!!!! so love ALL of the Victoria books and tried to gather them in past years on ebay ~ this one is so, so gorgeous to me!!! I hope you are doing so good sweet friend, I'm working my tail off (not really) helping the family packing up egg soap!! Sending you hugs and love, Dawn

  8. Love sisters!
    What a wonderful gift, thank you for posting this, i did not know of it until today and i just ordered it on Amazon for £4.73 i can not wait for it to arrive,
    Love Kristina x

  9. I too love the old mag much more. Such a pretty post.

  10. I, too, love this book and have every magazine and book Victoria printed but I will be soon in the process of sharing my collections because we are downsizing for retirement. I am still in awe of these pictures in the magazines and books and get that inspiring moment when I view them. Thanks for sharing.

  11. I love that book! Merci beaucoup de votre visite sur mon blog!


    Sandy @ My Shabby Streamside Studio

  12. I just loved, loved,loved the first Victorian Magazine. The quality was wonderful. I have not seen the new one. I need to get out and get a copy. Richard at

  13. Thanks for sharing such dreamy photos. A must for the bookcase for sure.
    Blessings ;-)

  14. How beautiful all the images are, they make me dream of summer and not the snow outside my door!

    You are one of the winners in my give away, do drop by and claim your gift! Have a wonderful weekend!

  15. Thank you for this wonderful inspiration. :)
    Have a nice week
    Hugs Alexandra

  16. Hi sweet Marcie~
    Oh these photos are just beautiful...thanks so much for sharing them.
    Thank you for stopping by and for the emails. I do appreciate your prayers and concern. We are hanging in there and things are starting to pick up in 2011. Praise God. We just keep looking to him for guidance and strength. Hope you and your hubby are doing great.


  17. GORGEOUS!!!!


  18. One of my favorite books! The photos are all so breathtaking. I am very proud to say that I have every issue of Victoria - way back to the very first issue from 1987! Some of the early issues are quite remarkable. I treasure each and every one :)


  19. I have a large "decorating" library, and have parted lately with many books to make room for new ones. This is one of my favorite books that I pick up again and again.
    I could never part with it !!!!
    It is timeless.
    Hugs, Evi

  20. Oh I loved the old issues. I still have some of my favorites! It looks like I need to get that book it looks so beautiful.


Thank you for spending time with me and leaving your comments. Only English please. Check back, as I may respond here, or I may respond at your email, I hope to keep up with everyone. I am happy to have your company, if only for a little. Blessings in your day! Marcie