Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Feathered Nest, A Wonderful Giveaway!!

Dawn is celebrating 1200 Posts & 400 followers with this sweet giveaway.
Dawn is such a generous angel.
It is a Gift just to know her.
She is also "My Fairy Blogmother"

On our first phone call, Dawn said "you will love haveing a blog, and meeting new friends,,,,I will introduce you and help you get started". I call her Mamma Bird, she encouraged me, loaded my chosen background and banner, and walked me through many things I needed to learn. It was confusing and scary, but with her patient guidance, I tried my wings, and she smiled. I know she is still there and would welcome me back in the nest anytime. She has a way of folding her soft southern wings around you. I love you Dawn.

This giveaway will be a blessing to anyone who is lucky enough to have their name drawn.
The lucky two names will be drawn this Sunday at 6pm.
God has blessed Dawn with the heart of a teacher,,,,a teacher of love.


  1. Would you believe my fairy blogmother is my very own daughter...LOL
    A very sweet post.I so enjoyed my visit.i just love your banner.
    I want to wish you the merriest of Christmases and May God bless you, XXOO Marie Antionette

  2. Oh sweet Marcie....you made me cry!!! I love you too Marcie ~ and am so glad that you're here! What a blessing to have met this way, have so very much in common that we love and be able to lift one another up on a daily basis...that sweet angel, is what is so beautiful about blogging ~ hugs and love dear friend, Dawn

  3. Hello Marcie
    What a nice post and isn't it amazing how wonderful blogging has turned out to be! I have only been doing this for a few months and have enjoyed it so much.
    Blessings this week!

  4. Beautiful post of friendship and love today, Marcie! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  5. All I can say sweet friend is Amen! Beautiful post Marcie, and you're sooo right, she's indeed a Treasure!~~~Hugs, Deb

  6. Beautiful post the respect and genuine words spoken of your friend is truly passionate. New to blogging I feel I am starting a journey of meeting artistic and yet, so many gracious, and remarkable women. You are inspiring. Charmimg site,I have enjoyed my visit. Thank You for sharing, Sincerely Jonny

  7. Dawn inspires those kinds of feelings in so many of us doesn't she?? Thanks for coming over and leaving such sweet comments on my blog. You always brighten my day!
    Merry Christmas Marcie!

    My Desert Cottage

  8. Hi Marcie,
    this is my first visit to your blog and certaainly won't be the last. It's such a charming place to visit. sweet post.
    Got to do some catch up of your older posts...
    your time permitting, come and visit my blog. I'll be happy to meet you overthere to celebrate this holiday season by sharing our traditions.
    Until then, warmely

  9. What a lovely post,your a sweetheart!!! All the best,Chrissy

  10. HI!!!
    My daughter is also my blog fairy godmother!!!! I'm getting better!!!! Great idea for her to do a giveaway!!!!
    I hope you win!!!!haha

  11. Blog friends are wonderful. I am glad that you started your wonderful blog.

  12. Guess what.....guess what sweet Marcie.....the random number generator picked YOU!!!! You won my little nest baby in a jar!!! I hope you like it sweetie....please email me your mailing address so I can pack up your goodies :) sewmanyroses@yahoo.com....hugs and love, Dawn

  13. Oh you lucky girl to wind one of Dawn's wonderful prizes!!

    Couldn't have happened to a sweeter girl. =0))


    barbara jean

  14. good things happen to good people..like you my dearest friend...thank you for always being there for me.....miss you!

    Heart Hugs,

  15. Marcie, Congratulations on winning Dawns giveaway! I am so glad that 2 such lovely ladies that I "know" won, you both deserve it! I know you will both love Dawn's beautiful gifts! I loved your post for the gievaway, it was very pretty and so true! Besos, Rose

  16. Marci you hit the nail on the head about sweet Dawn. She helped me load my background too! I bet we shopped for backgrounds at the same place :) And she is so kind & patient. Congratulations on winning. You are a lucky girl to have won Dawn's giveaway & Madai's too! Enjoy the wonder. Charlene

  17. What a lovely post and thank you for letting us know about such a lovely giveaway. It is sweet to know you value your friendships, as you have described them.

  18. Oops, just realized this was an older post. Boy, I'm really behind my time!


Thank you for spending time with me and leaving your comments. Only English please. Check back, as I may respond here, or I may respond at your email, I hope to keep up with everyone. I am happy to have your company, if only for a little. Blessings in your day! Marcie