Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Beatrix Potter free images from Dover

Dover is at it again,,,I will especially love Beatrix Potter forever!!


  1. love BP,too.......the last pic is so dear!!!! Just like you!!!

    Heart Hugs,

  2. Boy, you really brought me back with this one, HON, I used to pour over BP books from the library as a girl. Simply the best.

  3. It didn't work when I clicked your link, so I looked in my e-mail...if you take the "/index.html" off the end of your link it will work. :)

  4. Thank you for the Beatrix Potter images. My daughter who is 26 was given a number of the books and figurines when she was a baby. I have kept them all and am happy I did. Somewhere in my stash of unfinished needlework are some Beatrix Potter needlepoints. Maybe this will inspire me to pick them up again :) Thank you.

  5. Marcie, I used the bunny on one of the journals for Mothers of children with cancer. It turned out so sweet. Beatrix Potter is just fun! Thank you for sharing these with us.

  6. Thank you so much for the pictures. They're adorable. I already have a couple ideas of what to do with them. How exciting!My Casa Bella


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