Sunday, August 30, 2009

In God we Trust

I got this from Lynn at
Lynn loves God, the freedoms we have in America, and knows where apathy and complacency has gotten us. With Gods help, I too will continue to fight for our freedom, and be responsible to protect our Constitution.

A Common Prayer for American Patriots
In peace we pray for all people.
We pray -
-for our family,
-for our friends,
-for our brothers and sisters in Christ,
-for those not know to us who are lonely, who suffer illness or other adversity,
-and for those who remain in our hearts.

We pray -
-for our nation,
-for our president and national leaders, that they would seek You for wisdom, that You would protect them from the lure of greed and power and enable them to promote an agenda that is honoring to You as the govern our country.

We pray-
-for...(other petitions),

We pray for the knowledge of truth and the stewardship of all creation.

We pray in the name of Christ Emanuel.


  1. Thank you for such a true post! I agree with you totally, we can all see what the complacency has created.

    Have a wonderful week!


  2. Thanks so much Marcie for all of the great information you have given me..from one proud American to another,


    ~Let Freedom Ring~

  3. Thank you for a beautiful post! Hugs, Terri

  4. Beautiful sweet Marcie.....just beautiful. xxoo, Dawn

  5. Thank you for the nice comments you made on my blog. I really like this prayer. The gift you received in the post above is wonderful.
    Have a great week.


Thank you for spending time with me and leaving your comments. Only English please. Check back, as I may respond here, or I may respond at your email, I hope to keep up with everyone. I am happy to have your company, if only for a little. Blessings in your day! Marcie