Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Magical Fireflies

The lightning bugs/fireflies are back!
This photo, is of fake ones, but the real ones showed up about 2 weeks ago here in the south. You can have some of your own at this site: They look real!
This is about the only bug I like. Really,,,they are slow and gentle and have helped science in the cures with cancer and other diseases. An amazing thing really.


  1. Marcie~~I saw a few lightning bugs out the other night, while sitting on the deck. It was just before dark...
    I'm with you, other than ladybugs, these are about the only lil bugs I like, too!
    Thanks for the sweet compliment on my blog make-over!
    Will check out this site...


  2. Hi Marcie~

    Thank you so much for coming by my Blog for a visit. Lynn is such a sweetheart so I am glad you found me through her :)

    Your blog is just lovely and I just adore your lace keepers!

    Have a wonderful day and come visit me again soon.


  3. Love the fireflies-reminds me of my childhood. Not that I saw a whole lot of them, but somehow it reminds me of younger days.....Love Tiina...

  4. My favorite time of year. Firefly evenings. It is just a week or so away here in Southwest Ohio. I do love these dainty little critters. Magical.

  5. I have always called these little guys "fireflies" and my husband's family says "lightning bugs." He is from IA and doesn't get it that, in NM, that is what we called them. Can't wait to see them in about a week, as Flippery posted. I am in southwestern Ohio, too. :-) Sue

  6. I am from California and several years ago I went to West Virginia for a wedding. It was summer and humid and my first time ever to see these lovely lit up creatures. We don't have them in California and I was so elated to see them. There is nothing more magical than nature. BTW,I love the name of your blog. Fly on over to my nest when you have a moment.


Thank you for spending time with me and leaving your comments. Only English please. Check back, as I may respond here, or I may respond at your email, I hope to keep up with everyone. I am happy to have your company, if only for a little. Blessings in your day! Marcie