Monday, March 16, 2009

Sunday Drive

It was such a nice day, we went for a drive, and as I am usually in need of a water fix, we went to the Tennessee River.
It is the closest thing to the ocean that is available, and holds its own treasures. Like the shells. They were abundant here, I about passed out a couple of times picking some up, I don't need any more shells, but I cant resist. It reminded me of the many times we searched for shells on the ocean beach. We walked the river a bit and enjoyed poking around and, telling stories. We also went to a couple of our favorite backwater fishing holes to see what was going on. Watching a big bass jumping out of the water catching bugs is good entertainment, the noises of nature are pretty special too. It makes me wish I had a video recorder. We watched an ant moving something bigger that himself for a long time. To be quiet with my man and observe together. I loved it.
I cannot resist looking at horses, they are such amazing animals.


  1. Isn't that just the most glorious times that you can have, by just observing what is created around you. The best things in life are free!

  2. Hey Marcie...glad that you had some sunshine and got the water/shell fix! You know me and my beach...sometimes I go to the local boat launch here at the Willamette River just to watch the water. Sounds like a nice Sunday for both you and Cliff!
    Love ya, Joan

  3. What a lovely day. Thanks for sharing it:)

  4. What a beautiful and relaxing day...thanks so much for sharing!

  5. Nature is what inspires me the most....thanks for sharing your beautfiul day .

    Hugs Annabelle


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