Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Shooting Mother,,I mean Shooting Photos "at" Mother's place

A gift to Mom from one of us kids,,I can't remember which.

Mom made this shadow box over 20 years ago.

I was having a time with light and all, but the detail is so nice.

The small rocker is handmade for the dollies.

The current calendar.

How sweet, holding mistletoe over her kissing dolls.


I hope you all are having a good start to the day!
Think good thoughts.


  1. LOL! Marcie, that title sure grabs one's attention~~Brillant!
    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all of your pretties and Mom's creation is priceless...truly a treasure!

    Hope you are having a great Tuesday so far...
    Just finished the treadmill, off to shower and run errands before Chris gets home~~~


  2. Hi Marcie, I love the ladies in the victorain dresses!!!BEAUTIFUL~~~did your mother make it? It's so pretty!!! Green with envy over here! What a treasure! Blessings, Deborah

  3. The Victorian ladies; are beautiful, is that a plate, or just a picture? Everything is simply delightful.

  4. love the last picture, sweetie.....you have a great sense of humor!!!!

  5. Beautiful treasures! I love your mother's creations:)



  6. I'm so happy that I've found your blog, I enjoyed so much to see all those beautiful treasures, thanks so much for sharing....
    It is for sure that I'll be visiting again.
    Rengin, in Istanbul

  7. Marcie, I really admire families like yours that hold on to things such as the shadow box. Your mom must be an inspiration to you.
    Thank you for sharing some of your family heritage


  8. Oh Marcie! You are so clever! Your Mother does have a trunk or is it boat load or storage unit full of treasures! Nice to see your sense of humor beeming through! xoxo Joan

  9. Marcie, The picture of the Victorian ladies is delightful! I see where you get your taste from. The little rocker on the big rocker is so sweet...Maybe you could show us other goodies from her stash. Thanks for sharing with us some of your roots...sharon

  10. Well hello from Canada... just had a peek at your blog..and it is just lovely!!! All the best, Chrissy

  11. Hi Marcie,
    The Victorian girls are beautiful and the detail just like the originals; very lovely work. Very creative work by your mom and such a treasure to behold.
    Hugs Annabelle

  12. Marcie...I can see where you got your wonderful talent!!! The altered fashion print is gorgeous!!! I laughed out loud at your bummer comment :) hope you're doing wonderful this week! xoxo, Dawn


Thank you for spending time with me and leaving your comments. Only English please. Check back, as I may respond here, or I may respond at your email, I hope to keep up with everyone. I am happy to have your company, if only for a little. Blessings in your day! Marcie