Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Sisters in Oval

I am actually done with this group of the collection and ready to put on etsy. There are more to follow, and I am listing late tonight. Thank you, to those who inquired "when" they would be ready for sale, I appreciate your patience.


  1. What lovely photos...vintage rocks! Thanks so much for visiting me today...I hope you will come again for the first act of LA DIVA! I will save you a balcony seat. Anita

  2. These are great...I hope you sell all of them.. Blessings Regina

  3. These are wonderful! I am going to visit your shop at etsy!

  4. These are very pretty! Thanks for stopping by and entering my giveaway and also for posting about it! Good luck!!

  5. Marcie, the Sisters are lovely, how did you do that? That takes patience I don't have. Hope your Etsy is a success. Thank you for sharing.


  6. I visited your etsy shop today. You have beautiful things and a great deal of talent:)

  7. These are absolutely gorgeous!!!


Thank you for spending time with me and leaving your comments. Only English please. Check back, as I may respond here, or I may respond at your email, I hope to keep up with everyone. I am happy to have your company, if only for a little. Blessings in your day! Marcie