Friday, January 23, 2009

A Special Patina

I cannot remember where I found this top, I do remember "the moment" however. It is a "knowing", that it is going home with you,,,, it was waiting for you,,,,, meant to be, for some reason. That is a physiological change in the body, hair standing on end, or goosebumps for some. For me its just a wow and warm feeling. I think it must have been worn on the prairie, it just has that feel. It is skillfully made from flour sacks, partially hand stitched, the rest made on a treadle sewing machine as the stitches are irregular. The velvet collar and cuffs are worn thin, but beautiful still. There are old sweat stain that are there forever, as washing it would be like loosing a special patina.

I draped the lace collar and
a few other things just for fun. I made the coin purse above, in the early 90's and wore it to trade shows for a long time, as it was a decorative way to carry cards and cash close. Back then, I could even wear it on a plane and no one would care. The photo of the women is a printing method of the times, using jean and elbow patches, pressing with an iron, onto silk. Any body remember that method? Or sun printing, that was fun. Now we just pop things in the computer and print away, so much easier.

A few years ago I became interested in southern history and people, and picked up a few old photos. I dug into a large pickle jar devoted to old coin purses, and they seemed to work together for a photo. The compass, well , it is just in case I get lost.

I want to let you all know how much I appreciate your comments, I will visit your blogs and say hello, I am enjoying this world very much.
Enjoy the Blessing of this Fine Friday!



  1. Marcie, Thank-you so much for becoming a follower of my sight!!! It encourages me so much. I love your work!!! It's beautiful!!!! I love working with mixed media. I'm loving this new page in my life also, thank-you for writing on it!!! Blessings Always, Deborah

  2. Hi... Aren't images and old clothing great objects to work with.... You are right... we do have alot of loves that are the same. How fun.

  3. Hi Marcie,
    It's just beautiful, thank you for sharing. So glad I found your blog.
    Happy Weekend

  4. Marcie!!
    What a magical tea-colored world you have here! Your work is charming and romantic and your photos make me want to step right in and 'sit a spell'!

  5. Hi Marcie, reading your blog is like reading a story. You have a way with words. Thank you for sharing. So do you display these things all around your home? Very cool.

  6. What wonderful peices! Makes you wonder about the woman and what their lives were like! Love this post!~Smiles~Tam!

  7. Wow,,,I love all these comments! I just can't thank you enough!
    Blogging is such a kewl, what will I do next?
    Happy Days!

  8. I agree, you have that moment and it's all you can do not to grab the item and run! That's why I take my sister-in-law, she's european and handles all my haggling and transactions...I just do not have a poker face!!

  9. Marcie, the top is beautiful, and I just love all your vintage photos!!! ~Lori

  10. This is a...well wonderful just doesn't say what I these treasures. You are very skilled in how to arrange and display too!
    Thanks, Candy

  11. Hello Marcie
    Well I just came by into another world of elegant beauty, and gentle words, I think I will stay a while, and restore myself reading your beautiful posts.
    Have a lovely weekend
    Hugs Lynn

  12. Oooo what a beautiful vintage blouse, just gorgeous! I too have a few of these myself and there is something magical about the style, the stitching and the history of it :)

  13. Such wonderful, marvelous things you find....oh my you and I could shop together anytime of the week....we would have SO much fun.

    LOVE your taste in Victoriana..and "Southern " history items.



Thank you for spending time with me and leaving your comments. Only English please. Check back, as I may respond here, or I may respond at your email, I hope to keep up with everyone. I am happy to have your company, if only for a little. Blessings in your day! Marcie