Monday, January 26, 2009

Looking forward to Spring

Winter is the promise of Spring.
Soon,, there will be flowers.


  1. Yes, and what lovely photos. Those were some cute flowers you sent to Dawn.
    Have a Bloomin' Monday, Candy

  2. I just found your blog thru Dawn of The Feathered Nest....and LOVE IT! I too have always (and still am) a primitive gal - who is falling in love with the altered art, embellishments, and (do I dare say) Victorian lovelies! I am now wondering if I have purchased items from you from Market Square as I have a country store in PA....I will visit you often! Love your vintage clothing and dolls...I am sure you will do something wonderful with all. Judy

  3. I could use some flowers now!!! Spring will come...I Believe!!

  4. I love the picture of the lady in the hat! And I'll keep my eye out for your china pattern. I love your style. Blessings, DEBORAH

  5. I am really looking forward to spring so much more then usual this year! Beautiful pics!~Tam:D

  6. Ooooo yes, I too am looking forward to Spring.......we got drizzling sleet and a touch of snow here yesterday {which I love as well :)
    It's pretty, but coooold!


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