I just have one of those days occasionally,,,where I drop everything I touch.
The idea to photograph this little chick getting dressed up was a good one, I thought...
Then this happened,,,,I said a bad word, I think could have neighbors heard me.
It was my favorite butter pat.
It wasn't, the f bomb, I will leave that one to the politician's.
Over an hour later, I had glued all the pieces I could find and fit.
was the goofy chick worth it?...ummm, no.
The next day I found the chick in another room, the cat thought it was hers.
Of course she did.
Actually, I will change that to YES, as I got to thinking how unimportant "things" are. How we all are broken, and are beautiful anyhow. The intense energy I expelled on the butter pat, was truly a waste.
In a moment, God can take it all away, it's all his anyhow.
I am glad I broke the pat, and now it will be a reminder of "where" to put my mind, the next time I have One Of Those Days.